October Session
October 2, 2024 - November 13, 2024
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Learn how to create productive and engaging meetings that people want to attend!
Learn, practice, and reflect on over 21 facilitation listening skills.
Learn to develop purpose driven agendas.
Average employees attend 62 meetings per month.
35-50% of managers time is spent in meetings.
25-50% of meetings are poor.
Additional meetings are held to resolve issues again, and again…
Planning and executing an effective meeting takes time, knowledge, and practice. Employees are fearful of practicing new meeting techniques in the workplace. During this online course, the participants can practice online meeting facilitation with their peers in a safe environment.
Use every tool possible to make the most of your meetings
Wasted meeting time contributes to
lower job satisfaction, negative job attitudes, higher intentions to quit,
lower meeting attendance and diminished effort.
This course includes an eBook copy of the Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision Making, authored by the world’s leading expert on collaboration, Sam Kaner. We will breakdown, practice, and explore the aspects of facilitating participatory meetings. Studies show that participation in meetings is related positively to performance and greater commitment to carry out out action decided at meetings.
Participation in meetings contributes to
employees feeling valued for their contributions and
employees feeling included in the organization in a meaningful way.
Achieving the highest level of employee engagement requires the participants to have both technological and socio-emotional support. This support will result in increasing engagement in work activities. Building effective connections, on a human level, increases the development of employee engagement. Fostering higher levels of employee engagement produces higher quality outcomes. Highly engaged employees are more committed to organizational success with stronger ties to team members. Workplace meetings are a powerful tool to achieve employee engagement.
Employees that participate in meetings
improve performance and engage in the decision making process.
They feel safe in providing ideas, inventive thinking, and decisions without negative consequences.
What does the course include?
- State of the art learning platform accessible via mobile or computer
- 7 online 90-minute meetings – each practicing a new method or tool (optional – recorded for later viewing) –
- Wednesday Zoom sessions meet from 2:00 – 3:30 pm eastern time
- Recorded online meetings for playback at anytime
- Opportunities to facilitate break-out meetings weekly
- New topics each week
- Individual coaching and mentoring for your particular meeting challenges
- Access to course for 6 months after course completion date
- Certificate of completion
- Group online discussions and reflections of practice
- Opportunity to “retake” the course at no additional charge at anytime
What can I expect as a participant?
The more you participate the more you get out of the course. This is an interactive, engaging course. You should expect to spend:
- 1-3 hours of reading weekly
- Weekly posting and reading discussions
- 90 minute weekly online meeting or playback of recorded meeting
- Additional practice of newly acquired skills, on your own, to share with the group
Still have more questions? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more details.
Past participants said….
- “Taking this course was the most valuable thing I did this summer. In the last few weeks, since the course ended, I used the skills I learned in every single meeting I participate and lead.” Tyler
- “I learned quite a lot and love the book. It is a great resource for me to go back to.” Stefania
- “I loved the sections on agendas and chart writing.” Tara
- ” This course has been valuable to my personal and work growth. I have improved my communication skills. I am learning to be more thoughtful and participatory. My meeting agendas have been updated with all groups providing positive feedback on the changes.” Audrey
What will we cover during the 7-modules?
- Module 1: Principles of Facilitation – Learn the roles of a facilitator and how the roles affect how we manage meetings.
- Module 2: Facilitative Listening Skills – Explore and try out over 21 different listening skills.
- Module 3: Chart Writing Techniques – Learn the value of color, borders and icons building new and creative charts both on-line and in-person.
- Module 4: Effective Brainstorming – Determine the best brainstorming tool for the situation. Try out a variety of methods online.
- Module 5: Productive Discussions – Learn how to facilitate open and honest discussions.
- Module 6: Designing Agendas – Improve your agendas by implementing best practices for clarity and purpose.
- Module 7: From Difficult People to Constructive Outcomes – Diagnose difficult situations and remedies.
What is the value?
7 Modules of learning and discussion (Value $350)
7 weekly online zoom meetings (Value $700)
Bonus 1 – One to one coaching (Value $125)
Facilitators Guide Ebook – (Value $40)
Total Value is $1,215.00
Discounted price is $495.00 per participant.
Special rate of $450 for Government employees or contractors
$495.00/$450.00 per participant includes an print copy of the book, Facilitator’s Guide to Group Participatory Decision Making.
Government employees can register in advance and will be invoiced at the conclusion of the course. We accept credit cards, checks or EFT as forms of payment. State of Florida employees should register at the reduced rate of $450.00.
Sponsored by Dougherty, Inc., a designated provider of continuing education contact hours (CECH) in health education by the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. This program is designated for Certified Health Education Specialists (CHES®) and/or Master Certified Health Education Specialists (MCHES®) to receive up to 23 total Category I contact education contact hours. Maximum advanced-level continuing education contact hours available are 0 . Continuing Competency credits available are 0.” Provider ID#1153594, program number 3733
Florida Certification Board Approved Provider – This course qualifies for 23 hours of continuing education for Addiction, Child Welfare, Community Health/Health, Mental Health, Prevention
University of Wisconsin-Madison #MSNALL-2024-2198-General RFB NO. 2024-UWMSN-00482-RFB
City of Tucson – Contract 240097-14 Employee Leadership and Development
– Register today for better meetings tomorrow –